Love Death – I Have No Time. How often do you hear this statement? You wakeup early, take a bath. Have no time to eat your breakfast. P.S. sometimes you don’t have time to take a bath. Don’t worry you may chose to fool yourself that you don’t smell anything. But people around you knows and will not forget the smell. Morning rush hour - draining all your energy, work 4hours, have your lunch, work another 4 hours then it’s time for your evening rush hour sucking any remaining energy from your body. You do this for many months either you get sick or your co workers get sick of your smell. Do you have the time to take a bath?
Love Life - Let us face the facts. You and all the people in this world have 24 hours for one day. No matter how famous or rich you are, no one can have more time than anyone. So why efficient and effective people have so much time to live life during and after work. Time management is not really about managing time. Time management is about life management. Time management is really about managing your mental attitudes, managing your health, managing yourself, managing people around you, managing your emotions and managing anything about life that happened, happening and will happen to your life. Next time you use the statement I have no time, remember first to smell yourself you might forget to take a bath but really its how and why you want to live your life, it is not life challenges that will be the master and controlling how you live.
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