* indicates required

Simplified 30 Years Saving Plan

There are many ways to use the 3 saving plan scenarios below to analyze the difference of save now, save late and double your savings  but start very late

SAVE NOW  1st - 10th Year

Age  60    4,670,460.65     259%  > SAVE LATE  1,800,664.76
                                          336%  >  SAVE VERY LATE  1,388,468.43 

SAVE LATE  11th - 20th Year

Age  60     1,800,664.76

SAVE VERY LATE  21st - 30th Year

Age 60  1,388,468.43 
Even if  you double your annual saving on the 21st - 30th year of your saving plan, your saving fund will still be less than a person who can save early.

Below is the detailed annual  saving plan for the three saving scenarios

SAVE NOW  1st - 10th Year

Age No. of  yrs 36,000.00 Estimated  Amount 1st- 10th yr  Save + Interest
saving Annual saving Annual Interest Amount 11th- 31st yr  Amount +                                          Interest
  1st -10th yr  10%
30 1                 36,000.00                    3,600.00                                                      39,600.00
31 2                 75,600.00                    7,560.00                                                      83,160.00
32 3               119,160.00                  11,916.00                                                    131,076.00
33 4               167,076.00                  16,707.60                                                    183,783.60
34 5               219,783.60                  21,978.36                                                    241,761.96
35 6               277,761.96                  27,776.20                                                    305,538.16
36 7               341,538.16                  34,153.82                                                    375,691.97
37 8               411,691.97                  41,169.20                                                    452,861.17
38 9               488,861.17                  48,886.12                                                    537,747.29
39 10               573,747.29                  57,374.73                                                    631,122.01
40 11               631,122.01                  63,112.20                                                    694,234.22
41 12               694,234.22                  69,423.42                                                    763,657.64
42 13               763,657.64                  76,365.76                                                    840,023.40
43 14               840,023.40                  84,002.34                                                    924,025.74
44 15               924,025.74                  92,402.57                                                1,016,428.32
45 16           1,016,428.32                101,642.83                                                1,118,071.15
46 17           1,118,071.15                111,807.11                                                1,229,878.26
47 18           1,229,878.26                122,987.83                                                1,352,866.09
48 19           1,352,866.09                135,286.61                                                1,488,152.70
49 20           1,488,152.70                148,815.27                                                1,636,967.97
50 21           1,636,967.97                163,696.80                                                1,800,664.76
51 22           1,800,664.76                180,066.48                                                1,980,731.24
52 23           1,980,731.24                198,073.12                                                2,178,804.36
53 24           2,178,804.36                217,880.44                                                2,396,684.80
54 25           2,396,684.80                239,668.48                                                2,636,353.28
55 26           2,636,353.28                263,635.33                                                2,899,988.61
56 27           2,899,988.61                289,998.86                                                3,189,987.47
57 28           3,189,987.47                318,998.75                                                3,508,986.21
58 29           3,508,986.21                350,898.62                                                3,859,884.84
59 30           3,859,884.84                385,988.48                                                4,245,873.32
60 31           4,245,873.32                424,587.33                                                4,670,460.65

                                                       SAVE LATE  11th - 20th Year

Age No. of  yrs 36,000.00 Estimated  Amount 1st- 10th yr  Zero Savings
saving Annual saving Annual Interest Amount 11st- 20th yr  Savings + Int
  11th -20th yr  10% Amount 21st- 31st yr  AMount + Int
30 1                     -                                                                       -  
31 2                     -                                                                       -  
32 3                     -                                                                       -  
33 4                     -                                                                       -  
34 5                     -                                                                       -  
35 6                     -                                                                       -  
36 7                     -                                                                       -  
37 8                     -                                                                       -  
38 9                     -                                                                       -  
39 10                     -                                                                       -  
40 11          36,000.00        3,600.00                                                      39,600.00
41 12          75,600.00        7,560.00                                                      83,160.00
42 13        119,160.00      11,916.00                                                   131,076.00
43 14        167,076.00      16,707.60                                                   183,783.60
44 15        219,783.60      21,978.36                                                   241,761.96
45 16        277,761.96      27,776.20                                                   305,538.16
46 17        341,538.16      34,153.82                                                   375,691.97
47 18        411,691.97      41,169.20                                                   452,861.17
48 19        488,861.17      48,886.12                                                   537,747.29
49 20        573,747.29      57,374.73                                                   631,122.01
50 21        631,122.01      63,112.20                                                   694,234.22
51 22        694,234.22      69,423.42                                                   763,657.64
52 23        763,657.64      76,365.76                                                   840,023.40
53 24        840,023.40      84,002.34                                                   924,025.74
54 25        924,025.74      92,402.57                                                1,016,428.32
55 26    1,016,428.32    101,642.83                                                1,118,071.15
56 27    1,118,071.15    111,807.11                                                1,229,878.26
57 28    1,229,878.26    122,987.83                                                1,352,866.09
58 29    1,352,866.09    135,286.61                                                1,488,152.70
59 30    1,488,152.70    148,815.27                                                1,636,967.97
60 31    1,636,967.97    163,696.80                                                1,800,664.76

                                            SAVE VERY LATE  21st - 30th Year

Age No. of  yrs 72,000.00 Estimated  Amount 1st- 10th yr  Zero Savings
saving Annual Saving Annual Interest Amount 11th- 20th yr  Zero Savings 
  21st -30th yr  10% Amount 21st- 30th yr  Double Savings + Int
Amount 31st  yr  Amount + Int
30 1                                 -                           -  
31 2                                 -                           -  
32 3                                 -                           -  
33 4                                 -                           -  
34 5                                 -                           -  
35 6                                 -                           -  
36 7                                 -                           -  
37 8                                 -                           -  
38 9                                 -                           -  
39 10                                 -                           -  
40 11                                 -                           -  
41 12                                 -                           -  
42 13                                 -                           -  
43 14                                 -                           -  
44 15                                 -                           -  
45 16                                 -                           -  
46 17                                 -                           -  
47 18                                 -                           -  
48 19                                 -                           -  
49 20                                   -                           -  
50 21                         72,000.00                    7,200.00          79,200.00
51 22                      151,200.00                  15,120.00        166,320.00
52 23                      238,320.00                  23,832.00        262,152.00
53 24                      334,152.00                  33,415.20        367,567.20
54 25                      439,567.20                  43,956.72        483,523.92
55 26                      555,523.92                  55,552.39        611,076.31
56 27                      683,076.31                  68,307.63        751,383.94
57 28                      823,383.94                  82,338.39        905,722.34
58 29                      977,722.34                  97,772.23    1,075,494.57
59 30                   1,147,494.57               114,749.46    1,262,244.03
60 31                   1,262,244.03               126,224.40    1,388,468.43

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